French and American Impressionists in the Brooklyn Museum
The Brooklyn Museum in New York City is one of the world’s leading museums, boasting an outstanding collection covering Western and Eastern art old and new, from ancient Egypt to contemporary America. This exhibition presented select masterworks of oil, watercolor and print from the Brooklyn Museum’s renowned European and American Impressionist collection.

The inclusion of both French and American Impressionist works proved highly illuminating in tracing the genealogy and development of Impressionism. In addition to offering a survey of French Impressionism centering on artists such as Claude Monet and Edgar Degas, the exhibition examined the international spread of Impressionism by showing the Impressionist works of American artists John Singer Sargent, Mary Cassatt and others who were closely associated with the French Impressionists and were instrumental in firmly establishing Impressionism in America.
Exhibits :
- 87 paintings (oils, works on paper)
Catalogue Texts :
- Linda S. Ferber
Lenders :
- Brooklyn Museum
Duration :
- June 2006 - December 2006
Venues :
- Seoul Arts Center, Korea
- Busan Museum, Korea
Claude Monet
The Ducal Palace in Venice
Oil on canvas
Photo has been provided by the Brooklyn Museum of Art
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